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Flock of Shawford

Flock of Shawford

Here a legend be foretold when knights were bold, and tales of yore were spun,

there lay the realm of Shawford, a murky island land where flock of sheep grazed and run.

Encircled by the raging river Itchen, tales of serpents lay hidden by tide.

None dared cross the river's surge, to the land of humans on the other side,

But in the year of our Lord, 2022, a drought did come,

And the river receded, revealing a path, of temptation, wonderment and promise of sun.

From the flock of Shawford, there stepped forth a sheep,

with courage in his heart, to explore the land so deep.

Shawford his name, and brave he was indeed,

For he crossed the river, with nary a deed.

Upon reaching the other side, didst discover a gathering of the Guild of Spinners in a grand old hall.

And lo, the sheep didst behold strange machines, with wheels that spun wool like his own coat.

And so, he entered the hall, and was met with joy and love, for the spinners hugged and stroked him most lovingly.

And Shawford was amazed, for the tales he'd heard of humans were all false, for these folk were kind and fair.

And so, Shawford stayed with the spinners, learning of their ways and customs.

Yet, he noticed a strange thing - these humans also had machines that sewed, yet didst not use them oft.

And so, the idea struck him, like a bolt of lightning - why not turn these machines of sewing into spinning machines?

For the humans didst depend greatly upon a device, the iPhone, and Shawford thought it wise to call the new machine


And thus, a new era of spinning was born

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